Even if you live far from a lake or river, your lawn and yard care can affect water quality. You can help keep Lake Champlain clean!
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Tired of mowing? Maybe no grass is a better option Vermont Edition
CCC Joins Raise the Blade Campaign Clinton Community College
Hyde Park fires up the Raise the Blade campaign News & Citizen
A long history of building for cold weather may have consequences as the climate warms VT Digger
Selectboard Endorses Campaign for Water Quality Protection The Hinesburg Record
Thanks Shelburne Selectboard for Raising the Blade Shelburne News
Mow Electric! Helps Vermonters Ditch Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Seven Days
Individual Action: How You Can Improve Water Quality Across the Fence
Charlie Nardozzi’s In the Garden Vermont Public Radio
Raise the Blade, protect lake The Other Paper
Raise the Blade to reduce stormwater runoff to Lake Champlain
Win a free lawn mower!
Silver Bay YMCA joins Raise the Blade campaign
Call us for a free program!
South Hero, VT Resident Wins Free Mower
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Learn why letting your grass grow longer benefits clean water
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The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a pollution budget that establishes limits for the amount of phosphorus Lake Champlain can receive and remain healthy. Visit cleanwatercommitment.org to learn more.